Sign-Up for the Adult Chorale


Participation in Telluride Choral Society’s Adult Chorale is open to all singers, from the beginner to the experienced.  We would like to know a bit about you, so please fill out the below singer information form:

[ Tuition: tuition for the WinterSing season is $125, and tuition for the SpringSing season is $125.   A limited number of scholarship assistance is available. ]

Adult Registration: Telluride Chorale

This will register you in this season's Adult Chorale

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
    Auditioned smaller group of experienced singers meeting from 6 pm to 7 pm after the Chorale rehearsal
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Note: without using the above form, you may send your name, email, phone number and level of singing experience and interest in singing in the Adult Chorale directly to us at: