Join Us for WinterSing 2019: This Weekend!

WinterSing 2019: Light of the Season

this Friday, December 13,  7:00 p.m.  &  Sunday, December 15th at 4:00 p.m. 

WHERE:  Christ Church, 134 W Columbia  Ave in Telluride

Tickets: at the door, $20 adult, $10 kids

Exquisite Holiday-themed Choral Music for the whole family!

Join Us: WINTERSING 2019 starts this week!

Attention ALL Singers in Telluride, Ophir, Rico, Norwood and beyond!  Rehearsals for WinterSing 2019:  Light of the Season  starts Monday, September 30th for the Training Choir.  Tuesday, October 1st is when Choristers & Omni Voce start.  Wednesday, October 2nd is when the adults start Chorale rehearsals!

See About Our Choirs for information on the appropriate choir for your student singer, and REHEARSAL START DATES for students and adults.

TO REGISTER: go to Adult Chorale Sign-Up for community adult singers, and

Student Chorister, Omni Voce Sign-Up for all student singers

Or: email Rhonda Muckerman,, or call 970.729.0082

Next Performance Season: SpringSing 2020


Thank You all for coming to  WinterSing 2019’s ‘Light of the Season’ in December, and to all the great participants who had the pleasure of performing it!    Stay Tuned……

We will be sending out notifications in January 2020 for the start of rehearsals for SpringSing 2020! Rehearsals will start at the end of January, and will culminate in the SpringSing concerts on Friday and Sunday March 20 & 22, 2020.

If you would like to be notified of Telluride Choral Society’s activities for you or your student singer, go the the About Choirs & Registration page and sign up!

Upcoming: SpringSing 2019: ……In the Garden

Telluride Choral Society presents SpringSing 2019


FRIDAY   March 22, 2019    7:00 p.m. at Christ Church in Telluride

SUNDAY March 24, 2019   4:00 p.m. at Christ Church in Telluride


Adult Chorale Reheasals Start:

WEDNESDAY   January 30, 2019   5:30 p.m. at Christ Church in Telluride


WinterSing Rehearsals start NOW!

Hello Telluride community:

Today, Tuesday October 2, 2018 and the rehearsal season Week no. 1 is officially underway.  At 2:00 p.m. today, the Choristers are rehearsing, and tomorrow, Wednesday, October 3, Omni Voce starts at 3:00 p.m. at the Telluride MS/HS, and the Adult Chorale meets at 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at Christ Church for its first rehearsal.

The program is WinterSing:  The Winds of Winter

See Telluride Choral Society’s WinterSing performance dates here:

WinterSing 2018: The Winds of Winter dates

Thank you! And hope to see you as a singer or as an audience member.